Volcanic ventures for Year 3

Year 3’s volcano topic is well and truly underway, from exploding cupcakes to volcanologist visits!

Mrs Bonn, Head of Food Technology, helped children to explore the different components of a volcano through the medium of their own delicious cupcake.

“We’re using cupcakes (volcanic rock), raspberry sauce (lava), popping candy (erupting material) and silver spray (ash) to create our very own edible volcanoes.”

Year 3 pupil

Most of the children agreed that their favourite part of this activity was the delicious popping candy.

“We are making a hole in the middle of our cupcake to fill our volcano with the lava and popping candy which will make it explode,” an excited pupil said. “I can’t wait to watch what happens.”

They also had a visit from a volcanologist (our very own Geography Teacher Mr James) in his amazing, technicoloured, map coat. He shared his real-life experience of working on a volcanic site in Montserrat.

Mr James taught them how to follow the process leading up to an eruption and the children had great fun acting out what happens when a volcano erupts. 

This is a fabulous topic for the children to explore, and what an amazing, interactive learning experience they have had.

Mrs Pitman

At Westbourne House, we always try to explore topics through the use of our specialist teachers to ensure the most varied and wide-reaching education possible.

Find out more about our curriculum.

Making volcano cakes
Mr James teaching
Volcano headwear and volcano cakes