Our teaching staff worked hard to provide engaging learning and lessons remotely in the last week of term and they will continue to do so after the Easter holidays.
Parents and pupils shared their experiences of Westbourne House School at home by sending in photos. We so enjoyed hearing from everyone, seeing what you had been up to and staying in touch.
The children definitely had a busy week: science experiments, 3D design, cake baking, writing stories, sewing, swimming, indoor cricket, making soup, music lessons, revising, painting flowers and rainbows, cooking meals for parents, school work, reading and chatting with family and friends.
Into the Easter holidays the messages continued to arrive creating a wonderful feeling of community despite the distances between us. There were reports of a new hamster hotel in Felpham, make-shift tennis courts in Bepton and Itchenor, Spanish meatballs and YouTube Draw with Rob events in Bognor, rainbow pictures, Joe Wicks fitness sessions and arts and crafts across West Sussex.
There were beautiful walks, lego-making, cooking together via Zoom in Emsworth and Petworth - plus dog races, garden picnics and home cricket Sussex-wide.
Thank you for sharing.