Wetland creatures discovered

Pupils spent a sunny day visiting Arundel Wetland Centre

As part of their topic ‘In the Tall, Tall Grass’ our Year 1, the children have been learning all about life cycles, minibeasts and plants. The Arundel Wetland Centre is the perfect environment see these plants and creatures up close and take part in lots of hands-on activities.

Year 1 teacher, Mrs Rich, said: “The children went on a bug safari, took part in some pond dipping and learnt about common invertebrates that live in a wetland area. They visited the secret garden grotto and listened carefully to the birdsong and other sounds that can be heard in the beautiful wetland surroundings, as well as used their senses of sight and smell to explore the fantastic variety of sweet-smelling and colourful plants that grow there."

“A highlight of the day was the pond-dipping activity. Armed with nets, trays and spotter guides, the children carefully swirled their nets in the water, collecting up weed and water which they carefully deposited in their tray. There were squeals of delight and great excitement looking underneath the weeds to discover new and interesting wetland creatures beneath.”

Mrs Rich

“It was such a fun trip and I loved it!” said Ottilie.

“My favourite bit was pond dipping because we found a tiny pea mussel and a huge water boatman!” 

Matthew, Year 1

“I really enjoyed trying to find all the colours of the rainbow in the wildlife garden. I was so surprised at how many colours I could find in nature,” said George.

It really was a ‘bug-tastic’ day out!