What will I be when I grow up?

The Reception children’s topic for their final weeks in Reception is ‘What do people do all day?’ A chance to learn about some different careers, how people work as part of teams, the uniform they wear and the best part of their job. 

People who help us to stay healthy

We had a busy week meeting people who help us stay healthy! Thank you to all our parent speakers; we are fortunate to have a kind parent community here at Westbourne who are willing to give their time to inspire some of our youngest pupils.

Monday: We were visited by a dentist and dental nurse who taught us how to clean our teeth effectively as well as how to make healthy food choices to protect our teeth and gums. 

Tuesday: We met a surgeon who showed us how he works out the best way to treat patients by looking at X-rays before demonstrating how a plaster cast is applied. 

Thursday: A visit from a GP helped to reassure us that whenever we need to visit the doctor there is nothing to fear! He also showed us some of the equipment that he uses to work out why a patient might be feeling poorly. 

People who help keep us safe

Blue lights flashing… who could it be?

Police: How exciting to find a police car in the Pre-Prep car park! Reception were thrilled to meet Sergeant Chamberlain to learn all about his job and the important kit that he uses. The highlight had to be sitting in the car and then hearing the sirens and seeing the lights as he left! 

Fire Brigade: The firefighting crew delivered some crucial safety messages to our Reception children. The arrival of the fire engine always brings a gasp of awe. There was much enthusiasm and excitement on hearing the siren, seeing the blue lights and meeting the firefighters. The Reception children explored the fire engine and used the hose to squirt water at traffic cones. Just before the fire engine left, our Reception children promised to 

  • check that the smoke alarm is working when they went home (check it every week) 
  • to learn their address in case of emergency.

Keeping to the beat: Our final visit was Kirsty Sanders from the Band of his Majesty’s Royal Marines who talked to the children about the role of this iconic group of musicians.  As well as telling us about the different countries that she has had the opportunity to visit, Kirsty also showed us the uniform that makes her recognisable in her role.  The children couldn’t wait to practise their marching after this visit! 

Thank you to Kirsty for coming to share her love of music, to Sergeant Chamberlain and to the West Sussex Fire and Rescue.