Winter nursery adventures

Our Nursery pupils loved making frosty footprints and examining the glittering leaves on their winter walk across the grounds.

“We made the most of this beautiful, crisp, sunny morning and wrapped up in hats, gloves, coats and scarves we gathered glittering, frosty leaves to take back to the nursery. We challenged our inner scientist and talked about how they looked different in the warmth of the nursery. It was a lovely morning.”

Head of Nursery, Jane Watson


“The birds will be hungry and their babies will be sad if they can’t collect worms when the ground is hard in winter,” our Nursery children discussed, before setting out to making bird feeders.

Head of Nursery, Jane Watson, said: “Some children collected pine cones, we then used a fork to fill them with lard and rolled them in birdfeed. We debated all the different places we could hang the feeders and chose the Nursery pond area. We are looking forward to seeing which birds come to the feeders – the children think we are most likely to see ‘robins, blue tits, blackbirds and pigeons’.”