Year 2's African adventure

Year 2 have explored scorching deserts, lush rainforests and sprawling savannahs and researched many African animals who live in these varied habitats. 

Dali-inspired elephants

In art, we created our own long-limbed elephant pastel drawings inspired by artist Salvador Dali. The children wrote some fantastic stories based on ‘Verdi,’ the snake who was afraid to grow up! 

Maasi Culture

After the incredible visit from the Maasai warrior, we used our superhero skills to delve further into our learning about the Maasai tribe, creating artwork and recalling all the amazing facts about their way of life and comparing it to ours. 

Chocolatey Conclusions

The culmination of our topic was ‘bean to bar’ - all about how chocolate is made! 

Marvellous Marwell

We extended Year 2's learning with an exciting trip to Marwell Zoo and saw lots of the animals we'd researched. The children spotted striped zebras, feathery flamingos, the mighty hippopotamus, the rhino with its thick hide and powerful horns, powerful tigers and spent some time with the incredible giraffes, the tallest land animals on Earth! We loved exploring the rainforest despite the elusive sloth! 

Year 2's African adventure was a perfect cross-curricular blend, where art, storytelling, science and cultural exploration came together to create an educational experience that sparked curiosity and encouraged independent learning.

"It felt like a mini safari trip!"
