Year 7 & 8 - Easter term

Mr Cousens and Mrs Pollock reflect on the last half of term for Years 7 and 8.

The beginning of the spring term has been busy as ever.

Academic work has picked up pace as exam season draws near. Some of our Year 8s have been attempting scholarships and many proving already successful. Year 7 have done brilliantly preparing for their exams and have reflected well on the positives and what they plan to do differently next time around.

Pastorally, all our initiatives are up and running and continue to show our older children in a very positive light. ‘Leading by Reading’ with our Year 3s, ‘Great Play Delights’ with our Year 4s, ‘Meeting and Greeting’ in the mornings, ‘Happy Helpers’ in the Pre-Prep, ‘Mentoring’ the Junior children as well as our ‘Year 8 Friends’ excelling at counselling the younger children and providing a friendly listening ear if indeed they are in need. Very impressive and all gaining important soft skills that they will need in the future whilst also making our community a friendly and happy place to be.

International Week was a huge success and our 7/8 form captains and deputy form captains organised a super assembly on North America. They captivated the audience with amazing facts and had everyone up on their feet to do the YMCA!

Finally, as well as the usual matches, trips out and about, music commitments and general day to day fun; they have managed to squeeze in some rehearsals for the up and coming Fawlty Towers experience and also the eagerly anticipated Sound of Music!

Phew.. an incredibly busy few weeks and a well-deserved rest is most certainly required. Years 7/8.. it is a pleasure to work with you.

Have a lovely half term.