Year 8 exam results

Chichester private school celebrates excellent academic results

We celebrated each and every one of our Year 8 pupils after their fantastic exam results with a memory-filled afternoon and wonderful performances.

"It is a special day when our CE candidates receive their exam results, as well as the much anticipated leavers’ hoodie! We are very proud of how hard the children have worked, and the oft used saying ‘you reap what you sow’ is never more relevant – hard work pays off. All the children have, I believe, found a good fit at the 11 senior schools that they are moving on to. They are lucky children to be moving on to such fantastic schools! I feel entirely confident that with the broad range of experiences and challenges that they have had in their time at Westbourne House School, they are as well prepared as they possibly can be for what lies ahead at senior school and beyond. Well done to all!"

Martin Barker, Headmaster

Our Head of Year 8, Mr Brown, said: “What a fantastic set of results, we are ALL so proud of the Year 8 academic achievements. Many have had to overcome lots of different challenges but with the support of their teachers/IN staff and parents this was a day of celebration. I have no doubt that this exam experience will hold them all in good stead for the academic challenges ahead. Take a bow Year 8!”