Year 8 review Macbeth

We took Year 8 to see Macbeth at Chichester Festival Theatre, a production that looked promising thanks to its an impressive cast and director. Afterwards, pupils wrote reviews giving a brief outline of plot, the scenery, production and performances.  Here are a few excerpts: 

"The witches were the best part of the play although it could be argued they were rather clichéd.  The witches were ever present which made the audience feel that they were observing all of the action and ready to pounce at any time.  This reinforced their underlying power over the decisions that Macbeth had made and his fate."

"The screen at the back of the stage was an innovative idea but it had not been thought through thoroughly.  It ended up distracting the audience causing them to lose focus."

"Kirwan [actor] was supposed to be cunning, power thirsty and ferocious, however sadly this was far from what we witnessed."

"The director Paul Miller had the opportunity to make this production challenge our traditional expectations but unfortunately he did not succeed."