Year 1 is on the hunt for pre-historic reptiles
Our Year 1 children have become palaeontologists. At the start of the year, they were fascinated to hear reports of a dinosaur sighting here in the school grounds. Full of intrigue they set off to see for themselves.
As they crept into the woods, one child shouted, “Look what I’ve found!” All the children gathered round to inspect what can only be described as a series of huge, freshly made dinosaur footprints.
While some pupils debated what type of dinosaur it could have been, others suddenly discovered that the woods surrounding them were filled with lots of little dinosaurs for them to hunt for and collect.
Bursting with enthusiasm, they went back to their classrooms eager to learn more. The Year 1 children are very much looking forward to presenting their own fact books about dinosaurs as well as taking part in the exciting ‘Dinosaur Day’ during the last week of term. More exciting prehistoric news to come during the next half of term!