First Nursery swimming lessons

Mrs Howley, our swimming teacher, visited the children first to talk about swimming pool safety (Topsy and Tim helped too) and brought some of the equipment they might use. They tried on the arm bands, woggles and back floats before kicking their legs and whirling their swimming arms! 

By Friday, they were all raring to go! Encouraging each other, blowing bubbles in the water, making huge splashes, collecting floating toys, singing nursery rhymes in the pool - they had such a brilliant first swim session at school.

Afterwards the Nursery children said that the best bits were:

  • "going underwater and I wasn't sinking and i wasn't scared"
  • "kicking"
  • "singing Ring a Ring o'Roses"
  • "playing humpty dumpty"
  • "that I got to jump off the side of the swimming pool."

"We put the children into small groups according to their water confidence. It was wonderful to see how much they enjoyed themselves and it was fantastic to see some independent swimming too. The children will go on to swim weekly in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 so it is great preparation for the years to come."

Esme Waugh, Nursery Teacher