We have been delighted to present giant cheques to rthe charities we supported over the last three years. We raised an incredible £31,812, with each charity receiving £7,953.
Mrs Barker, who heads up our charitable work, said: “We are so delighted to have raised this extraordinary amount of money for our school charities in such a challenging three-year period. I am hugely grateful to the support of our Charity Committee but especially all our pupils and their parents who have inspired us again and again with their fundraising power.”
It was wonderful to welcome Jane and Issy from the Chichester Down Syndrome Support Group to school. They came along to thank the children and all our parents for the fundraising gift and also to explain how our money will help them help people with Down Syndrome.
We also were delighted to hand over a cheque in person to the Sausage Tree Charity and were lucky to receive a gorgeous message from the children in Zambia, who will benefit from the new classroom block at their secondary school.
Here are the charities we donated to and what they do:
Chichester Down Syndrome Support Group: provides support to local children with Down Syndrome, as well as their families, in the Chichester and Arun districts of West Sussex. The group offers a large range of activities as well as providing funding for private speech and language therapy.
Team Unlimbited: prints 3D hands for children who were born without them. They share their designs nationally and internationally and work on developing and improving the devices that are on offer.
Sausage Tree Charity: raises funds to advance the education and well-being of children in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia.
Westbourne House Bursary Fund: for local children who have strong potential in academics, music or sport, but who otherwise would not have access to a Westbourne education.