Mr Sharman's memorial

Colin Patrick Sharman
12 November 1929 to 9 February 2024

 On 7 July, we celebrated the life and legacy of Colin Sharman, Headmaster of Westbourne House, 1961 – 1989.

The service included tributes from Mr and Mrs Sharman's daughters and grandchildren, Martin Barker and Jon Perry.

"We are fortunate in the course of our lives if we come to know more than a very few men or women of the highest human nature; furnished with integrity, kindness, humour and compassion. Of these rare people, Colin Sharman was one. His legacy at Westbourne House is immeasurable, impacting many thousands of children over his tenure, a legacy that I am sure will live on for many decades to come."

Mr Barker, Headmaster of Westbourne House School

"As ever though, people win the day, and his closing words in the history book of the school 'Survival and Success' reflected this, he said, 'Westbourne has always been a happy place and it perhaps explains why staff stayed so long. I also believe that it was a happy place for children to be brought up in, and it was always at the forefront of my thinking that children should enjoy being at school and should have the best opportunity to develop whatever talents they have’. I am sure you would agree that those values still hold true today." 

"We will miss him greatly. "

 - Mr Barker