“This is incredible...two thousand year old architecture still here, found under the ground.”
Bertie, Year 3
Fishbourne Roman Palace is just down the road from Westbourne House School and an incredible example of a Roman residence.
Year 3 teacher Mrs Pitman said: "Our children were excavators, archaeologists, mosaicists, scribes, roman slaves, princes and princesses! They enjoyed a hands on workshop and used their enquiry skills to learn more about life within the walls of the Palace.
"The children enjoyed trying out all the activities and dressing up too. They explored the museum, which was full of artefacts found at the site. Not forgetting the wonderfully preserved mosaic floors which were a highlight of the visit. How was the palace kept warm? Not a problem for the Romans with their sophisticated underfloor heating system, the hypocaust, all preserved at Fishbourne. The children showed such interest and have been fascinated by our topic on Emperors and Empires throughout this term."