Story-telling skills come up trumps in debate

Westbourne House debating teams were lucky enough to be invited to Brighton College for an afternoon of voice workshops, guidance on how to enhance their debating skills and watching live debates.  

The voice workshops focused on warming up their face muscles, enunciation of words, pitch and pace that the pupils really enjoyed.  They tried out what they had learnt on the tongue twister Peter Piper.  The debating workshop focused on the telling of a story in a debate: making the audience believe that you have experienced the subject that you are talking about.  The pupils were then asked to consider a debating title and asked to move around the studio, expressing their viewpoint.

A huge thank you to Brighton College for looking after us so well and allowing us to use their new debating state-of-the-art studio. 

Debating at Westbourne House School is expanding and we look forward to our next debate against Lancing College.