Westbourne House is earning its ‘plastic-free school’ plaque

Reducing our school’s use of single-use plastics

Our children are taking part in an exciting new initiative led by one of our school’s chosen charities, Surfers Against Sewage – becoming a ‘plastic-free school.’

This accreditation is given to schools who complete the charity’s five step plan to increase awareness and remove some single-use plastic items from our school for good.

"We were chuffed to do our first Surfers Against Sewage litter pick! It will the first of many trash mobs," declared Mr Brown, Head of the Environmental Committee. 

"Litter gets blown into school and we are always able to find bits of plastic. We are a wildlife corridor and lots of animals live here, so we are all keen to keep our grounds and woods as clear of plastic pollution as possible."

Dan Brown, Head of Environmental Committee

Well done to our Environmental Committee, who are leading our efforts. These are pupils from Reception to Year 8 who are committed to improving our school’s sustainability.

Read more about the plastic-free schools initiative.