Year 8 Leavers

The last few weeks after Common Entrance exams is awash with memorable events designed to celebrate the Year 8 children and give them a fond and fantastic farewell. 

Trip to the Isle of Wight

Year 8 set off to the Isle of Wight two weeks after their exams finished. Mr Brown, Head of Year 8 said: “The range of activities on their residential meant that there was something for everyone. All the children got stuck in and although there were things that were really challenging, we encouraged every to have a go.  Activities included archery, a blindfolded nightline, boogie boarding and swimming, plus sandcastles on the beach. 

“The highlights were the 3G swing, which was quite a challenge, plus the Jacob’s ladder and leap of faith.  Everyone seemed to love the disco too!

“We gave them downtime combined with these structured activities and they responded really well and enjoyed the autonomy.  They had a brilliant week.

"I was also really pleased that they mixed in really well with the children from different schools and there were some great games of football and lengthy chats!"

“Our Year 8s were really good company and great fun to be with."

Mr Brown

Leavers' Service

It was wonderful to celebrate our Year 8 pupils during their final Saturday at school. All our teachers and Year 8 families came together for the Leavers' Service.

A huge thank you to school governor, Wendy Griffiths, who gave an excellent address, which was packed with humour, pithy observations about growing up and some important messages for the children for the future.

We know Year 8 are ready for the next stage of their educational journey and we can’t wait to hear about their adventures as Old Westbournians.

In the afternoon, parents bravely faced their fit and young offspring in tennis and cricket matches. It was a wonderful afternoon of sport and great sporting spirit in true Westbourne style! There were some parent team winners and some parent team runners up, and huge smiles all round.

Making memories

Year 8 shared some brilliant times together in their last few weeks. We hope you enjoy these pictures of the fun at Thorpe Park, the beach, our lake, Spectrum and out at sea on the fishing boats!

So many memories to savour.  We will miss you Year 8.

Trip to Thorp Park
Trip to Thorp Park
Trip to Spectrum
Trip to Spectrum
Trip to Spectrum
Trip to Spectrum
Trip to Spectrum
Trip to Spectrum
Beach Trip
Beach Trip
Beach Trip
Beach Trip