Discovering land-use in Chichester

Class 5M set off on a sunny Friday morning on a geography field trip to find out more about the local area.

We were tasked with creating a land-use map of Chichester and visited four zones of the city. Firstly, the Central Business District (CBD) where we observed various geographical and historical impacts on the land. We then toured a residential area and thought about why people lived in certain areas of the city. Next, we visited an industrial area and considered the impacts of out of town shopping on city centres. Finally, and quite possibly our favourite location, was the beautiful area of Goodwood within the South Downs. Here we considered the impact of national parks and tourism on the environment.


It was a fun morning with lots of fantastic geographical observations from all the pupils involved - well done!  

5M Geography
5M Geography
5M Geography
5M Geography
5M Geography