Westbourne House News

Rave reviews for the Fawlty Towers experience
Year 7 produced a superb piece of experiential theatre - performing hilarious sketches for and around the guests. Welcome to
Martin Barker's View from the Top
Headmaster Martin Barker shares his view on choosing the right senior school for your child with education guide and consultancy
F1 engineer inspires pupils
Principal F1 Aerodynamicist speaks to pupils at West Sussex school He loves his job. He works in a futuristic factory. He’s been
Bosham, VR, Ninja Warrior - our boarding news
The Westbourne House School boarders have made the most of the warmer weather and longer daylight hours Our boarders have enjoyed
First athletics meet of the season
The annual Westbourne House School girls' athletics meet kicks of the season. Westbourne House hosted five schools, Amesbury
Boys win Hurst athletics meet
With over 20 schools competing the Hurst Athletics meeting is the premier event for boys’ athletics. Mr Smith said: “We had some
Nursery children drive a tractor
What a brilliant experience of 'driving' the tractor! Look at those smiles! Thank you to Mr Geffen, who works in our grounds and
Cricket Centenary Trophy
A long standing game between the old cricket rivals - Westbourne House School and Highfield & Brookham The Highfield cricket
First school trip!
Our very excited Reception children visited the local nature reserve at RSPB Pagham Harbour on their first ever school trip. "It