Westbourne House News

Getting prepared the fun way
What do Boggle, Rapid Rumble and 5 Alive have in common? These games were carefully selected by the academic team for two reasons
Discovering Chichester and Bognor
"The children come back from the land use survey with a wide range of geography vocabulary that they are 100% confident to use. It
Outdoors and learning
Winding River Our Year 4 pupils donned their wellies and undertook a variety of river field work exercises at Fishbourne Meadows
Life of a Roman Soldier
Dex Sin! Year 3 enjoyed a spectacular afternoon in the hands of Marcus Julius from the Legio Secunda Augusta. To the children's
Unique you
“Our something special day was a great opportunity to celebrate the uniqueness of each child in Reception.” Mrs Lewis, Reception
Learning outdoors
"I truly believe that there's nothing that can be taught in a classroom that can't be taught outdoors and I think better."
Imagining the Battle of Hastings
Our Year 2 pupils re-enacted the Battle of Hastings on horseback and fired imaginary bows and arrows from the Keep during their
Positively You Study Skills
Year 7 & 8 (and some parents) went to Positively You workshops to learn a range of effective study skills, revision techniques and
Pallant House Art Workshop
Our Year 8 pupils visited Pallant House in Chichester to study the sculptural artist Barbara Hepworth. After looking at Hepworth’s